Wednesday, January 9, 2019

Loss, Grief, & Broken Hearts

Lang Leav is one of my all time favorite poets/authors & today I came across a piece I had taken a screenshot of a long time ago and I honestly couldn't say that it came at a better time. It was as if God knew I needed to be reminded of this. I'm posting it as it has helped me more than once, and maybe it'll help you or someone else too who is going through a painful loss.

Truly one of my favorite pieces that she has ever written. With loss is grief - and allowing yourself time to mourn those that you have lost is crucial. Loss comes in all different forms, and it doesn't matter how, as Lang explained above - your feelings are valid and justified. I read a quote not that long ago that stated, "Grief never ends... but it changes. It's a passage, not a place to stay. Grief is not a sign of weakness, nor a lack of faith... it is the price of love." And I couldn't agree more with that. So whatever you are going through, remember what Lang said, and take all the time you need. 

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